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TakaraTomy - Transformers Masterpiece MP-21 Bumblebee
Retail Price: $220.00
Your Price: $190.00
Your Savings: $30.00
Release Date: 4th Quarter 2014


This package will include Bumblebee, who will transform into a licensed Volkswagen Beetle, and has a removable faceplate and pistol. It will also include Spike in a transforming Exosuit, so you can recreate scenes from the 1986 movie! Cited as the stealthiest and most energy efficient of the Autobots, configured for underwater reconnaissance, Bumblebee is especially proficient in his capacity as spy. Among the most loyal and courageous of Optimus Prime’s original crew of Autobots, Bumblebee quickly becomes a surrogate big brother to Spike Witwicky; Bumblebee is subsequently present alongside the adult Spike when Unicron’s monstrous planet mode unexpectedly attacks Moonbase 2. Later, when Bumblebee and Exosuit Spike are being borne toward Unicron’s monstrous digestive cauldron, Exosuit Daniel arrives at a critical moment and manages to activate an arm blaster on his Exosuit which partially closes the lid to the cauldron and saves the elated Exosuit Spike.




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